What is Obesity?
Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessive fat, which in turn results in increased weight.

What is it?
The obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excess fat, which in turn results in increased weight. Although there is generally a good relationship between weight gain and obesity in some situations, as in the case of athletes with large muscle development, overweight can be seen without any properly obesity, since the body fat compartment is not increased. Similar considerations can be performed on people with high water retention causing weight gain in the absence of an abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue. The obesity is the most common metabolic disorder in developed societies.

What are its causes?
The accumulation of fat tissue occurs as a result of imbalance the energy balance equation, whereby the income energy in the form of calories represented by equivalent spending basal metabolism (consumption calories the body at rest), thermogenesis (heat production) and caloric intake derived from physical activity. When an increase in income (food) or a decrease in energy expenditure, energy savings resulting stored as fat. In most cases the obesity is produced by a increased caloric intake, with frequency associated with a sedentary activity. Acting together with environmental factors, genetic predisposition has a key importance in many cases. The treatments psychotropics, as some antidepressants or tranquilizers, and hormonal, especially estrogenic compounds may promote weight gain. Often circumstances that induce anxiety are accompanied by increased food compulsive attitude favoring overweight. The smoking cessation presents with weight gain frequency, although this phenomenon is not necessarily inevitable. Exception may be due to hormonal causes as hypothyroidism or the cushing's syndrome or to or hereditary neurological diseases altering the center of hunger and satiety, which are localized in the hypothalamus.


What are your symptoms?
That produces symptoms obesity derived from own body weight gain and the consequences and complications that may arise. The tiredness and difficulty for the development of everyday tasks are common limitations induced by the obesity. Moreover, can lead to metabolic complications as diabetes mellitus, increase in triglycerides, cholesterol and uric acid, which favors gout. It also decreases exercise tolerance, promotes the appearance of hypertension arterial and represents a vascular risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease and stroke. When excess weight is very important may be responsible for originating a sleep apnea syndrome, consisting of arrests of breathing during sleep and reduces the oxygen level in the blood, resulting in suffering of body tissues. The complications especially in hips and knees Limiting physical activity and all complications are responsible for the reduction in life expectancy accompanying the obesity. Obese occur most frequency gallstones, fatty liver and hernia hiatus.

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Obesity is not just a cosmetic issue; it is also a serious medical problem. The obese person is at increased risk of illness and life expectancy is shortened by several years. The fat, Especially that accumulates in the abdomen, is associated with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease ... and even cause death.

But there are many other health problems associated with obesity:
➤ Alterations of the fat of blood, elevated triglycerides and reduced cholesterol of HDL
➤ Increased uric acid and gout
➤ Polycystic ovary syndrome
➤ Acanthuses nigricans, a disorder manifested by darkening and thickening of the skin folds of the neck and elbows, and the spaces between the fingers
➤ Kidney lesions: glomerular disease due to obesity
➤ Osteoarthritis and pain in weight-bearing joints such as knees and hips
➤ Pain of the lumbar spine
➤ Carpal tunnel syndrome
➤ Gynecomastia in men
➤ Menstrual disturbances and loss of menstruation in women
➤ Infertility
➤ Difficulty breathing and further work
➤ Termination or reduced breathing during sleep
➤ gastroesophageal reflux disease
➤ Nonalcoholic fatty liver
➤ Gallstones
➤ Hernias abdominal and inguinal
➤ Fragility of the skin, especially in creases, with frequent fungal infections
➤ Striate gravid-arum
➤ Hyper-pigmentation in chronic venous stasis leg
➤ Swollen legs
➤ Cellulite
➤ Varicose veins leg
➤ Thrombosis leg
➤ Urinary Incontinence
➤ Cancers: in males the esophagus, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver and prostate, in women the gallbladder, bile duct, breast, endometrial, cervix and ovaries
➤ Depression and low self esteem

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